Tuesday, 5 February 2008

....breaks; Another problem with deep sea cables

Reports abound that yet another cable linking the Middle East with the West has either been cut or has suffered a power outage. Conspiracy theories are starting to flow across what's left of the Internet (Perhaps Osama got a mini-sub for Christmas?). I guess it may just be possible that any extra traffic carried on this cable has caused a problem after the 3 failiures last week?

It does however highlight that our reliance on the Internet and it's apparent design weaknesses can be easily jepordised. Imagine what will happen if India becomes completely cut off from the west? All that 'out sourcing' of our call centers isn't going to seem like such a good money saving scheme to banks and the like when we can't access our details via the telephone.

God help us if a solar storm knocks out a few satallites this week; still it'll be a chance to catch up on some real 'book' reading.

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